Results for 'William R. Folk'

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  1.  35
    Choice and voice: creating a community of practice in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Mary K. Hendrickson, Jere L. Gilles, William H. Meyers, Kenneth C. Schneeberger & William R. Folk - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (4):665-672.
    The development and utility of genetically modified crops for smallholders around the world is controversial. Critical questions include what traits and crops are to be developed; how they can be adapted to smallholders’ ecological, social and economic contexts; which dissemination channels should be used to reach smallholders; and which policy environments will enable the greatest benefits for smallholders and the rural poor. A key question is how the voices of smallholders who have experience with or desire to use GM technologies (...)
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  2. The Domain Constraint on Analogy and Analogical Argument.William R. Brown - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (1).
    Domain constraint, the requirement that analogues be selected from "the same category," inheres in the popular saying "you can't compare apples and oranges" and the textbook principle "the greater the number of shared properties, the stronger the argument from analogy." I identify roles of domains in biological, linguistic, and legal analogy, supporting the account of law with a computer word search of judicial decisions. I argue that the category treatments within these disciplines cannot be exported to general informal logic, where (...)
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  3. Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics.Jerry R. Hobbs, William Croft, Todd Davies, Douglas Edwards & Kenneth Laws - 1987 - Computational Linguistics 13 (3&4):241-250.
    In the TACITUS project for using commonsense knowledge in the understanding of texts about mechanical devices and their failures, we have been developing various commonsense theories that are needed to mediate between the way we talk about the behavior of such devices and causal models of their operation. Of central importance in this effort is the axiomatization of what might be called commonsense metaphysics. This includes a number of areas that figure in virtually every domain of discourse, such as granularity, (...)
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  4. Socialism and translation: The folks of William Morris's Beowulf.Michael R. Kightley - 2014 - In Karl Fugelso, Ethics and Medievalism. Cambridge, UK: D.S. Brewer.
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    Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar (eds.), Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners; Sandra P. Thomas and Howard R. Pollio, Listening to Patients, A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice; Matthew Ratcliffe, Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation. [REVIEW]Valerie Malhotra Bentz, William S. Hamrick & Mary Beth Morrissey - 2010 - Schutzian Research 2:204-226.
    Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar (eds.), Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners; Sandra P. Thomas and Howard R. Pollio, Listening to Patients, A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice; Matthew Ratcliffe, Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation.
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  6. Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar , Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners; Sandra P. Thomas and Howard R. Pollio, Listening to Patients, A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice; Matthew Ratcliffe, Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation. [REVIEW]Valerie Malhotra Bentz, William Hamrick & Mary Beth Morrissey - 2010 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 2:204-226.
    Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar (eds.), Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners; Sandra P. Thomas and Howard R. Pollio, Listening to Patients, A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice; Matthew Ratcliffe, Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation.
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  7. Directions in Connectionist Research: Tractable Computations Without Syntactically Structured Representations.Jonathan Waskan & William Bechtel - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (1‐2):31-62.
    Figure 1: A pr ototyp ical exa mple of a three-layer feed forward network, used by Plunkett and M archm an (1 991 ) to simulate learning the past-tense of En glish verbs. The inpu t units encode representations of the three phonemes of the present tense of the artificial words used in this simulation. Th e netwo rk is trained to produce a representation of the phonemes employed in the past tense form and the suffix (/d/, /ed/, or /t/) (...)
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  8. Response to Steven Heine's review of "the Karma of words".William R. LaFleur - 1986 - Philosophy East and West 36 (3):285.
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    Can we answer the unanswerable?William R. Uttal - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):397-398.
    Pylyshyn circumvents an even more fundamental question: Are the mechanisms of visual perception accessible to the theoretician? Neurophysiology, computer modeling, and psychophysics, as well as his definitions of visual phenomena suggest that he has asked an unanswerable question.
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    Discussion : Humanae Vitae and the Ecological Argument.William R. Albury & Richard J. Connell - 1971 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 27 (2):135.
  11.  83
    25 centuries of atoms and void. Pullman, Bernard, the atom in the history of human thought, translated by Axel R. reisinger.William R. Everdell - 1999 - Foundations of Chemistry 1 (3):305-309.
  12. Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855): filósofo crítico, sereno y honesto de su época.William R. Daros - forthcoming - Sapientia.
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    La evolución social de la adolescencia, la manada y el carácter fundamental del grupo familiar en el caso de adicciones.William R. Darós - 2022 - Enfoques 34 (1):37-58.
    En este breve ensayo, se trata de exponer el hecho de la evolución de la adolescencia,actualmente enfocada en una manada atomizada de individuos inmersos en lacultura visual y multimedia que centralizan sus acciones de consumo en dispositivosde pantalla. De la cultura del libro se ha pasado a la cultura de la imagen propia.La “curación” de la adolescencia (adolecer) y del refugio en la manada implican elpaso del tiempo y la maduración reflexiva que este puede traer; implican tolerarel no saber a (...)
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  14.  39
    The Aesthetic Works of D. W. Prall: A Review ArticleAesthetic JudgmentAesthetic Analysis.William R. Dennes & D. W. Prall - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (3):391.
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    12. The Categories of Naturalism.William R. Dennes - 1944 - In Yervant H. Krikorian, Naturalism and the Human Spirit. New York,: Columbia University Press. pp. 270-294.
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    Experience and Prediction.William R. Dennes - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (5):536-538.
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    Logic: The Theory of Inquiry.William R. Dennes - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49 (2):259.
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  18.  14
    Free Will as a Proportion of Variance.William R. Miller & David J. Atencio - 2008 - In John Baer, James C. Kaufman & Roy F. Baumeister, Are we free?: psychology and free will. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 275.
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    Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference.William R. Shadish - 2001 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Edited by Thomas D. Cook & Donald Thomas Campbell.
    Sections include: experiments and generalised causal inference; statistical conclusion validity and internal validity; construct validity and external validity; quasi-experimental designs that either lack a control group or lack pretest observations on the outcome; quasi-experimental designs that use both control groups and pretests; quasi-experiments: interrupted time-series designs; regresssion discontinuity designs; randomised experiments: rationale, designs, and conditions conducive to doing them; practical problems 1: ethics, participation recruitment and random assignment; practical problems 2: treatment implementation and attrition; generalised causal inference: a grounded theory; (...)
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  20. Expressiveness in Jazz Performance: Prosody and Rhythm.William R. Bauer - 2014 - In Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers & Emery Schubert, Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches Across Styles and Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  21.  56
    A Roosevelt Appraisal.William R. Frasca - 1950 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 25 (3):509-515.
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    Man and the science of man.William R. Coulson & Carl Ransom Rogers (eds.) - 1968 - Columbus, Ohio,: Merrill Pub. Co..
  23.  16
    The world of Walker Percy: A mythology for post-modern man.William R. Cozart - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (2):163-173.
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    On “relative” possibility.William R. Carter - 1975 - Philosophia 5 (4):489-497.
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    Aeneid 5.105: The Horses of Phaethon.William R. Nethercut - 1986 - American Journal of Philology 107 (1).
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    Ethics and ego dissolution: the case of psilocybin.William R. Smith & Dominic Sisti - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):807-814.
    Despite the fact that psychedelics were proscribed from medical research half a century ago, recent, early-phase trials on psychedelics have suggested that they bring novel benefits to patients in the treatment of several mental and substance use disorders. When beneficial, the psychedelic experience is characterized by features unlike those of other psychiatric and medical treatments. These include senses of losing self-importance, ineffable knowledge, feelings of unity and connection with others and encountering ‘deep’ reality or God. In addition to symptom relief, (...)
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    Genocide: The Act as Idea by Berel Lang: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017.William R. Pruitt - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (2):279-280.
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  28. Jesus and the Gospel: Tradition, Scripture, and Canon.William R. Farmer - 1982
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    Announcement.William R. McKenna & Alexander Schimmelpenninck - 1994 - Husserl Studies 11 (1-2):1-1.
  30.  30
    La mente y la verdad. Mitopoíesis filosóficas según R. Rorty.William R. Darós - 2002 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 15:161-190.
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    Reconsidering “Supreme Emergencies”.William R. Lund - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (4):654-678.
    Michael Walzer has argued that nations fighting a just war may be permitted indiscriminate attacks on enemy noncombatants if they are genuinely necessary to avoid an imminent and morally disastrous defeat. Critics often challenge this "supreme emergency" exemption from just war principles by arguing that it is inconsistent with his critiques of utilitarianism, realism, and sub-state terrorism. While morally troubling, I argue that Walzer's doctrine is both tightly cabined and consistent with his meta-ethical pluralism, his emphasis on the value of (...)
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  32.  68
    Enhancement and Desire: Japanese Qualms about Where Biotechnology is Taking Us.William R. LaFleur - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (1):65-72.
    In what follows, I draw on things I have found in Japanese discussions of bioethics in order to clarify some aspects of the ethics of biotechnological enhancement. In doing so it will, I hope, become evident that what we might call a “religious” component is in Japan somewhat differently construed than in the contexts with which we are more likely to be familiar in North America. And in the end an attempt will be made here to show that the materials (...)
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    Cultural Contact and Textual Interpretation.William R. Roff, C. D. Grijns & S. O. Robson - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2):362.
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    Jean-Paul Sartre.William R. Schroeder - 2005 - In John Shand, Central Works of Philosophy V4: Twentieth Century: Moore to Popper. Routledge. pp. 155-176.
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  35.  20
    Hunting the Sophist.William R. Albury - 1971 - Apeiron 5 (1):1 - 12.
  36.  8
    The New Healers: The Promise and Problems of Molecular Medicine in the Twenty-First Century.William R. Clark - 1999 - Oup Usa.
    Genetic diseases can be every bit as devastating as the diseases caused by bacteria or viruses, and in one way they are much worse: we pass them on to our children, generation after generation after generation. Science and medicine have provided us with clues to the treatment of a few genetic diseases, although by their very nature they have never been considered curable. But, as William R. Clark shows, that is about to change through one of the most profound (...)
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  37.  37
    Egalitarian Liberalism and Social Pathology.William R. Lund - 1997 - Social Theory and Practice 23 (3):449-478.
  38.  19
    When to start, when to stop a randomized trial.William R. Best - 1985 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 7 (6):10.
  39.  15
    Galileo in the Nineties.William R. Shea - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (4):476-487.
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    Notes on substantance in orthodox theory: a reply to Badano.William R. Smith - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (4):275-276.
    Gabriele Badano offers three criticisms of my challenge to the orthodox family of theories of legitimacy in bioethics. First, I assumed an ‘oversimplified version of the orthodoxy’. Second, I failed to appreciate its domain of application. Third, I only addressed the ways in which orthodox theorists incorporate substance as an ‘afterthought’—and, even then, only by rehashing Gopal Sreenivasan’s argument. Here, I respond to each, taking up the first and third before ending with reflections on the second. The first underestimates the (...)
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    On models and mechanisms.William R. Uttal - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):459-460.
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    Do central nonlinearities exist?William R. Uttal - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):286-286.
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    Do theoretical bridges exist between perceptual experience and neurophysiology?William R. Uttal - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40 (2):280-302.
  44.  11
    Hale's ‘Weak Sense’ is Just too Weak.William R. Stirton - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (1):209-213.
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  45.  87
    (1 other version)Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England.William R. Shea - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (4):566-571.
  46.  54
    Silences and Censures: Abortion, History, and Buddhism in Japan: A Rejoinder to George Tanabe.William R. LaFleur - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (1/2):185-196.
  47. On the possibility of revolution within the boundaries of propriety.William R. Torbert - 1976 - Humanitas 12 (1):111-148.
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  48. Ernan McMullin on contingency, cosmic purpose, and the atemporality of the creator.William R. Stoeger - 2013 - Zygon 48 (2):329-337.
    This article reviews, and offers supportive reflections on, the main points of Ernan McMullin's provocative 1998 article, “Cosmic Purpose and the Contingency of Human Evolution,’’ reprinted in this issue of Zygon. In it he addresses the important science-theology issue of how the Creator's purpose and intention to assure the emergence of human beings is consonant with the radical contingency of the evolutionary process. After discussing cosmic and biological evolution and critically summarizing recent solutions to this question by Keith Ward, John (...)
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  49.  29
    (1 other version)Machiavelli's Prince.William R. Thayer - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 2 (4):476-492.
  50. Relativismo y pragmatismo en el etnocentrismo de R. Rorty.William R. Daros - 2001 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 39 (99):95-108.
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